Pop District Bazaar

It's been a long while since I've touched my blog due to school works. Today, I'm gonna do a little throwback about this wonderful event where you can discover Cebu into big bazaar! So last September 26-27 2015 at Oakridge Pavillion, we attended Pop District Bazaar and it was surreal! Pop District Bazaar has over 88 booths to visit, Bloggers meet and greet, live acoustics, hourly raffles, different prizes and more! These booths that I'll be showing you are some of my favorites. @tchotchke_project (check out their Instagram) has variety of stickers, clothes, hats, wallets, tote bags, and more! Not just regular stuffs, but they've designed their products to match your personality. I was looking for tote bags in different booths and suddenly, this lil kyuddie and me felt a spark! (Well my face felt the spark) hahaha kidding aside, you're not gonna regret anything when you buy on or visit @tch...