How Far I'll Go

This blog entry may be personal, but this entry has a tip and message too! Enjoy!
Since I was in 4th grade I've always been curious on how airplanes work. When I reached 6th grade, that was the time that I realized that I really wanted to become an airplane pilot. My aunt is an airplane pilot too and because of that, I even got more curious on how she handles the passengers and the airplane itself. At the same grade, we had our career guidance and I dressed up as an airplane pilot. I got my costume from a real airplane pilot which is my aunt who worked at the Philippine Airlines (I think she worked for PAL for three years) 

The costume is just the bonus part there, but standing in front of your batch mates with your dream is the most satisfying thing I can remember. I think that one of the best things about being a teenager is that you can decide and plan your future. 

Even though I am sure of my future, some would make my head think twice. Some say the school for being a pilot is too far pus the tuition fee is expensive. Yes I agree with what they said, but those things won't hinder me for choosing the path I want.

 I wore my Pilot costume again for our arts project. It made me remember my goal despite the hectic schedules that I have. It made me thought on how far I'll go in the near future.

Guys, always remember to follow what your heart desires for your future (don't follow a bad habit though haha) Think about how far you'll go in the future and don't forget to reach your goals with a good attitude towards others and yourself. Thank you! Bye!

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