A Quick Stop

I am back after 5 months, wow hahaha. I didn't really plan to blog this time, but I was left out by my blogger friends with their summer 2017 related blogs. I feel like it's about time to post another blog entry, yay!

I haven't experienced an unforgettable summer, so this post isn't really your type or bet. 
You may not know about me getting my hair dyed (again) for summer 2017 (because I haven't updated my blog) but me and my friends decided to get a haircut. Then I finally got my black hair back on that day.

For my outfit, I went with a shirt and my gray joggers from H&M. For my shoes, I forgot where I purchased it but it's a black sneakers.

We had a quick stop photo shoot too hahaha. Thank you so much for waiting patiently to get my hair done guys!

 Forever the J-oar trio no matter what happens.

 After I had a haircut, we went for a quick stop at Mc Donald's that technically wasn't a quick stop.
 Oh and here's my black hair with Cielo 

Our quick stop actually turned into a shameless photo shoot where people started to think we were weird, oh well. We didn't mind them, nasapian kasi kami ni Ida Andu hahaha

Thinking of posting a cleaner and a more prepared blog post next time. Thank you guys for being patient with me, and i'll see you in my next post!

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