Clothes here, clothes there, clothes everywhere! Hahahaha. Enough with the jokes because i'm soo excited to share to you my Closet Wishlist! I have a lot of wants but the thing is I can't afford clothes because they are too expensive. But as they all say "Libre lang mangarap, unli pa" hahahaha. Okay Claire, enough talking and let's get started!

 1. First that i'm gonna share to you is the CROP TOP SWEATER. (upper left) I have so many sweaters (not to brag) tbh but i'm inlove with this black crop sweater.

 2. Second is the RAGLAN CROP TOP (next to the sweater) I've always wanted a crop top and the color should be black because I like black and crop tops but never had one haha.

 3. Next is BLEACHED MOM SHORTS or HIGH WAISTED SHORTS (upper right) i'm into high waisted jeans now and I have plans on buying high waisted shorts and you can pair it with any shirts, right? But sad to say, I don't have money to purhase one haha.

 4. Fourth is the RIPPED DENIM PANTS. (under the sweater) I have a lot of jeans but I don't have ripped denim pants yet and everybody is into it and it's denim and ripped right? Hahaha.

 5. Next is BLUE MAXI SKIRT (next to the ripped jeans) I really love this skirt because its so fashionable and you can always pair it with crop tops.

6. Next one is the LEATHER SATCHEL (next to the maxi skirt) I just want this Leather Satchel so much. But too expensive tho so yeah haha.

7. Next is the PLAID JEANS (next to the Leather Satchel) Plaids are so in today specially black and white plaids. I love this jeans so much but can't afford it haha

 8. Next is the COURIER BACKPACK (under the leather sactchel) I can use this backpack anytime sepcially in school. A useful and at the se time classy backpack.

9. WOMEN'S ROSHE RUN TRAINERS is absolutely goals! (under ripped jeans) I just want to own one guys!

10. Last is the BLACK STRAP SANDALS (next to roshe run) It's really in right now and I really want to own one soon!

 Well guys, this is my Closet Wishlist! And that's it for today love you!

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