School year 2014-2015 has been very challenging for me and at the same time, great! We all know that when you're a freshman, you're really not familiar with the teachers of highschool department, you're not comfortable with your classmates yet. But the seniors and the teachers helped us adjust. And with that, we made new friends in a new environment. I'm so glad that our adviser is willing to help us learn and that would be Miss Tanucan. Yes, we also had a hard time in scouting formations, backyard campings, and showdown, but our leaders helped us. yieee thank you sir Danica and sir Angelika goo troop 5! And all the activities DEP week, Buwan ng Wika, Youth Encounter, Pakighimamat, intrams 2k14, etc. We really enjoyed  these activities! But we need to say goodbye to freshies and hello to sophies! I am very excited to be one and i'm looking forward for more fun activities, new friends, and new lessons!

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