10 Random Facts About Me

Hi guyys! I felt sorry for being inactive. So today i'll blog about 10 Random Facts About Me so you guys can get to know me better plus the fact that i've been inactive and I have no idea what to post next hahahahaha. Okay enough talking and here are 10 random facts about Me!

1. I looove looove looove Samuel Frederick Smith or Sam Smith. When the radio would play Sam's songs, and you'll turn the radio off? You should think before you act in the first place. His songs has that "Hugot" and everytime I listen to his songs, the message is really clear and his voice is like a voice of an angel. My favorite song of Sam would be "Restart" hihi. One thing I like about him is his eyes. He just got that type of eyes that ere filled with emotion, love and passion when singing. I LOVE Sam Smith so much!

2. You might think that i'm a very healthy person because everyday I run and run on shool hallways and play everyday, but no. I'm Asthmatic and Allergic on dogs, cats, dust, perfumes and lotions (but I use them daily shhh) and many many more. Every night I have to take my medicine for Asthma and if ever I get asthma attacks, my mom thinks it's just a normal cough because I don't exagge that much when i'm having asthma attacks. So yeah, my mom would panic sometimes.

3. I'm a quiet person but if you get to know me better and we become close friends, just put your earplugs on and you're ready to go hahahaha! If i'm around with my friends, I talk too much and if you don't believe me, ask my friends haha.

4. When I was still a grade 6 student, we had a 'Career Guidance' and every grade 6 student should wear an attire that symbolizes what we want to be when we grow up. Since I want to become a Pilot, I dressed as a Pilot. But it was never easy finding a Pilot attire. Luckily, my aunt is a Pilot so we asked her if we could borrow her Pilot attire and she did say yes!

5. I love food but i'm really not into pizza. I mean I eat pizza but only if the flavor is pure cheese or pure meat hahaha. I hate pizza that has many toppings on it. And i'm also not that kind of person that says "I crave for pizza!" "Pizza is life, life is pizza" but my sister likes pizza tho.

6. When I was still a baby (maybe 3 months old), me and my parents are on the same bed. My mom was on the left side and my dad was on the right side of the bed and I was on the middle. That night, my parents didn't notice that I was on the very edge of the bed because they say that I can't be still when I sleep. So I fell from our bed and my parents immediately get me from the floor. No wonder i'm always crazy because my aunt always tease me that i'm crazy haha.

7. Personally, I think "Maoy'2" is okay but I hate the fact that some people are overreacting. By overreacting, I mean posting maoy'2 posts on the internet. And some would cry over some people and too much maoy could kill you daw. I 'maoy' too but not that kind of maoy they're doing. But I respect them and their posts.

8. I love Instgram! Who doesn't right? Hahahah. I created my Instagram last 2013 and my first username was @claireangeli21 and yes I had jeje posts before but I deleted it and I also changed my username to @_claireangeli and now i'm more of aware about my posts and who I follow. Follow me guys! < @_claireangeli

9. I'm bad at socializing. I have many friend but i'm really bad at socializing. I would just say "Hi oy! Miga nata ha!" and i'm not that kind of people who talks softly to others. I love to laugh when i'll meet new friends so that they can feel that i'm comfortable with talking to them and vice versa.

10. I love my family, friends, neighbors and God! Sometimes I can betray them but I love them so much. Everyday, i'm thankful to God because he gave me such beautiful blessings like my friends and family. I can also say that I live my neighbors because when I heard the news that Nepal is in a very bad condition, I prayed and wished that I can help them personally there but I hope my prayers are enough.

And that was 10 Random Facts About Me guys! I hoped you enjoyed reading this because I enjoyed writing this. Thank you for your support guys! Ily

Yours truly,

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