Tips To Get Ready For School

I really can't post a picture right now. Maybe on my next blog and I hope you'll understand! Enjoy

Hey guys! As we all know, Summer is almost done and School Year 2015-2016 is fast approaching. So with that, i'll give you some tips on how to get ready for this School Year 2015-2016! Let's get started!

1. SCHOOL SUPPLIES. You need to be ready for school and the first thing you need to get ready with is your school supplies! It's important to buy affordable and materials that can last longer. And some stores offer sets in school supplies so you can have notebooks, pencils, erasers, etc in one. It's also a way for you and your family to save money.

2. SCHOOL UNIFORMS. Most schools requires school uniforms. So you also need to get ready with that. Make sure that your school uniforms has an allowance (atleast 1 inch allowance) because last school year, my school uniform was too tight. But my mom adjusted it anyways. But we still had trouble on adjusting my uniform. So lesson learned here guys hehe.

3. SCHOOL WORKS. Even though school year hasn't started yet. I know there's that pressure on your mind about school works like homeworks, reports, projects, and many many more. We need to prepare for school works by calming your head and enjoy summer while there is 2 weeks remaining. So when the school year starts, you're ready to face the challenges!

4. NEW SECTIONS AND NEW FRIENDS. Of course we also need to be prepared for our new sections and new friends. I know it's hard for you (and me hehe) to be in another section because your friends last school year might not be in the same section with you and I know that feeling guys. We need to accept it because it's not the end of the world hahahaha. It's actually good because you can meet new friends in that certain section. And you and your friends can still meet anytime, right? Don't worry about it and be happy!

5. ENJOY YOUR SUMMER WHILE YOU STILL CAN. It's not really a tip to get ready for school but you need to have fun this summer so when the school year starts, you'll never say in your mind that "Did summer even last long?" or "I didn't enjoy my summer vacation!" because if you do, you also won't enjoy the school year.

And that's my tips for you guys to get ready for school! I'm excited and i'm also looking forward to have fun and learn this shool year. I bet that there will be soo many activities this school year like Instrams, Family Day and many more! So I hope you guys can enjoy it too!

Thank you for viewing amd supporting guys! Love you!

Yours truly,

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