Expectations On A First Day Of Shool

Hey guyss! Just one day left and the school year 2015-2016 will officially start. I know that you've been thinking what will happen on the first day of school. What will I expect during the school year? And other questions running in your mind. So i'll give you some expectations of what a first day in class will be. Let's get started!

1. The Campus. Expect that your campus or school will have make overs like newly painted walls, new chairs, and almost everything is new. But don't be upset if your school didn't paint your walls yet because it's only an expectation hehe.

2. The Pupils. I know that every school year, there are new pupils (and old pupils too) And if there are new pupils, they'll surely get lost because it's their first time. So don't laugh at them getting confused to where they are heading. Instead, help them find their rooms and be a good sport to each and every student always so you can also gain new friends in that way.

3. The Whole School Year. It's not the first day of school but instead, the whole school year. Expect that you'll be having fun and you'll learn a lot. It's not easy to adapt in the whole school year. But there will be friends of yours that will help you adjust. There will be a lot of people who will help you and not just help you adjust but help you in being a great person one day.

I only gave three expectations but i'm sure you have great expectations in your mind. Well Summer is over and it's back to school or back to reality hahaha! Enjoy!

Maybe I won't post for a week because it's back to school so please understand but thank you so much for reading guys. I'll come up with great ideas and hopefully post more often! Love you! P.s I had to used the same photo

Yours truly,

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