Maintaining A Great Friendship


                  Having friends can be the most beautiful thing in life.Today, I have the opportunity to blog about maintaining a great friendship!
 Since June 2013, Allaine Madisonne (, Noreen Mae, and Mary Fritzie has been my half sisters! I know that we had many arguments and we have shared our different sides of the story. We may not be the perfect friends in the world, but we understand each other.
            "You know you've landed a real friend when you can get through difficult things with them. Friendship can be convenient and fun, but you should also be able to speak out and say how you feel. The right ones are there to help you get through the obstacles"

 How to deal and maintain a great Friendship:
  • What's important in a friendship is being open-minded about different things. Learn from your mistakes and the mistakes of each other.
  • Value your friends like you value God. You'll never know the true value of friendship until you realize that they are always there for you in times of conflicts and happiness.

  • NEVER ignore about how they feel about what you said. What you said can affect their feelings. It can change their perspective on your relationship.  

  • As we grow, our trust to them can either grow too or fade. TRUST is essential because for me, it is the center of friendship. Without  trust, you can destroy each others image.

  • When we accept each others flaws, it's like saying "Who cares? She's my friend and I love her bunches!" Yeah that's right! Who cares if you're not perfect? In fact, no one is! Accept your flaws and never be afraid to show who you are because no matter what obstacles you go through, there will always be friends who support, comfort and accept you!

                                                                                                                                            Yours truly,


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