2015 Highlights

I'm making this day productive for you guys! And Allaine (allainemadisonne.blogspot.com) and I promised to make 3 blog entries before the year ends and so that we can make up to you. 2015 somehow has been very kind to me. I had a lot of opportunities that came and did a lot of things. You know, when speaking of highlights, I really don't know where to start. In this blog post, I'm sharing you my random achievements and more this 2015!

It was a privilege that I got to attend Pop District Bazaar! I get to meet a lot of popular bloggers and even the most requested booths in Cebu! This event made me realize that there are a lot (I mean really, A LOT) of young entrepreneurs with unique minds to come up with such fascinating outputs! It was really an honor, thank you Pop District Bazaar and district events!


 8.11.15 and 12.29.15 will probably the best days of 
2015! On August 11, was a regular school day for me, but my friends surprised me with 
the sweetest gifts ever. When I say the sweetest, I mean literally the sweetest gifts! And on December 29, me and my closest friends took over SM Seaside Cebu (lol just just kidding) We went bowling, billiard, we ate a lot too! I must say that I have greatest friends ever. Thank you guys!

Another highlight of this year was going on Road trips with my family specially to our aunt and uncle from USA. We traveled Oslob for whale watching then we headed North for a nice dip in the pool. I usually get tired of just sitting in the car for hours but every trip we hadwas amazing because of them. Thank you!

Actually, the best highlight of my 2015 is my blog! (Aside from my family, friends ,and God) I started this blog on the 8th of Febuary. I admit that there are times that I wanted to delete this blog because I didn't really updated for a long long time and I thought that my online readers are getting bored already. For some reasons, I didn't because I love blogging and I always will. Thank you so much for being there for me always guys!

Truly yours,

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