Tis The Season to be Jolly!

           Hello, it's me your outdated blogger! But yup, it's the most wonderful time of the year! Don't you just love Christmas trees, presents, and Santa Claus? Well I do. Any ways, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas! But I know you like to have the best Christmas ever so here are some tips to spice up your Christmas!

         Do something different: Ever get the feeling that Christmas pans out the same way every single year? The same guests telling the same jokes, (re)gifting the same gifts causing the same stress. Well, why not create your own traditions with your own family for a change? Escape to an exotic location on holiday. Gift the kids a family holiday instead of those plastic toys. Or else, book lunch at a restaurant instead of slaving over a hot stove. Go to the beach. You are only limited by your imagination.

        Volunteer: For most of us, as the carol says, Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. But for many, it is a time of loss and loneliness. So spare a thought for the less fortunate.

        Keep exercising:  Try as you might, it is very hard to stick to healthy eating and exercise goals during the festive season. There are parties to attend and people to meet. So make a concerted effort to keep active.

        Be thankful: The end of year is a good time to sit down and reflect on the year that was. Think back on all the moments that brought joy into your life and be grateful for your blessings, big and small.

       Be kind to one another: The festivities can often bring out the worst in us. The malls are full of people elbowing each other in a shopping frenzy. So take a deep breath – or ten – and let go of the angst and anger. After all, this is the season of peace on earth and goodwill to all men.

 So here are tips to make sure you’re not defeated by those decorations (that have yet to be hung up), or stressed out by those stockings (that have yet to be filled). These suggestions will ensure that all is calm, all is bright this festive season.(mcmahonspointhealth.com)

For more information:
Instagram: @_claireangeli
Twitter: @_claireangeli

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