From the title itself, I that you already have a clue for this blog entry. Handling a busy schedule has never been easy. I will always get tempted by things and even procrastinate until the day ends not knowing that you didn't have a productive day. Today, I have some tips for you guys on how to handle a hectic schedule. Enjoy!

HAVE A PLAN. They say the early bird gets the worm. I say the early bird gets to plan their day (not nearly as catchy). Wake up 20 minutes earlier than you normally would and map out your day. You’re not making yourself any “less busy”, but you’re mentally preparing for what lies ahead. This alone makes the day much easier to manage as it comes around.

STOP PROCRASTINATING AND GET TO WORK. Resting for 10-15 minutes isn't that bad, but when you get tempted by things around you, you'll never finish your work on time. I suggest that you should detach yourself with your phone or any gadgets to avoid opening your social medias (e.g. twitter, facebook, instagram)  But if these gadgets are really needed for your research and work, then
go on.

TAKING NOTE OF THINGS. I suggest you to have your own planner to keep track of your incoming events and such. This can somehow make you organized.

ACCEPT THAT SOMETIMES TINGS WILL SUCK Sometimes I feel like a very zen person because I can often be very cheerful in horrible situations.. Sometimes, the only way to make things suck less is to let it suck right now. We’re naturally programmed to avoid the "suckiness" as much as possible, so we do things like let our work pile up while we browse  the internet forever. Rethink of the effect when failing to accomplish things and from that, you'll realize the importance of handling a hectic schedule.

Yours truly,

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