Summer Event: Pop District Bazaar

Hello! It's been awhile since I haven't been on this blog. Last April 15, 2016, District events held another event at the Oakridge Pavilion. The Pop District Bazaar! You all know that I attended the pdb last September 2015, and bought a lot of stuffs. This bazaar, I am blessed to see my favorite bloggers, my favorite things, and more!

My friends should've come with me, but they had other important  things to do. When I reached the venue, I bumped into  Laura Posadas with such pretty face. (Thank you for being so nice to me, ate!) We waited for the blogger's meet and greet for about 10 to 15 minutes.


 Finally, the first batch of bloggers have arrived the venue. To tell you honestly, I was nervous of what's gonna happen next. I was nervous because maybe I wouldn't have the chance to meet and greet them. Luckily, I was very very close to David Guison, my all time "blogspiration". I called his name, and he looked at me. I didn't hesitate to give my letter for him. He was so kind and humble, plus he added me to his snapchat story which is my all time dream haha.

Of course, I did not just meet and greet David, but I had the chance to meet and greet Cha Ocampo, Chinchin Obcena, Vern and Verniece Enciso, and Vina Guerrero. They may look fancy, but I assure you that they are not maarte and maldita.

I decided to pull of this outfit for the day. I wore a red turtleneck from penshoppe, a gray pencil skirt from H&M, and leather shoes from topshop. For the accessories, a black shoulder bag from nine west, and my trusty gray watch from tomato time. (This fujifilm polaroid is just part of the arte shot haha) Oh and did you noticed my new haircut? I cut it myself haha.

From the start to finish, I enjoyed the company of new people. Thank you to my readers for always being patient. Stay tune for more entries! Thank you so much and may your brows always be even. Bye!

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