
The thing about having friends and clothes is doing the craziest "matchy matchy".  Since me and my friends are having summer classes, we decided to spice up our outfits every week by making ourselves as triplets.

This idea we came up was a little crazy and awkward at first, but we didn't bother the awkwardness at all because you can never go wrong with fashion and friends, right? For the first week, we planned on wearing our first matchy matchy with our lazy dresses. People would stare at us and our outfits. I wore my gray lady dress while Allaine wore her white ones and stripes for Cielo. Of course we did the "Allaine pose and look at 911 pose" which we made up.


For our second week of summer class, we also planned our second outfit of the day. Since we all have our jumpers, we agreed on wearing it for class. Again, people would always stare on our looks. Allaine and I wore denim jumpers, while Cielo wore her black jumpers. We did the "V&V pose" and "Look who's that pose" 

 We were suppose to wear Off-shoulders for the third and last week of summer class, but Allaine here did not wear her Off-shoulders so we were not really "triplets" on that day. In the three weeks that I've hang out with them, I had fun learning and sharing my ideas to them!

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